Daily Archives: September 29, 2012

A Kp Note…Consider Sending Light and Love to the One Known as “Greg Giles”

There has been, in my mind, something going on behind the scenes at the AscensionEarth2012.org website, for some time now. I’m not completely sure about all of it. Now he posted this article, and it is so completely “out there”, … Continue reading

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9-29-12, Michael channeled by Ron Head… “Reach out for us and we are there with you”…”Give up your feelings of insignificance, of smallness”

Somehow I was drawn to this channeled message from Ron Head [found it here]. Especially regarding the “sharp upturn of energy” brought with the full moon. Along with indications from other sources (e.g., a recent GaiaPortal message), looks like the … Continue reading

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Crystal Grid – Created by Seven Year Old… Video

I was pointed to this today, and felt it should be posted here. This may help to see who is actually here on this planet, as part of our family, assisting us all. From IntuitiveAngels by way of Haqiqu. . … Continue reading

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