Daily Archives: September 27, 2012

SaLuSa 9-28-12…”Keep Focused on the Actual Ascension, and Prepare for an Input of Powerful Energy That You Will Be Aware Of”

“The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality, and that is because he has immense spiritual experience and understanding to meet the challenge. … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal Update 9-28-12…”The Fireworks are now Beginning”

I do not always post the GaiaPortals, but I felt a strong movement within to post this one. As often is the case, there is a fair amount of “cryptology” here, and I cannot say I understand it all. However, … Continue reading

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Chemtrail “Neutralization” Videos… “Let the Decrapification of our Skies Keep on Keeping On, Baby!!”

Of course, we all know it has been going on for awhile… The Decrapification of our skies, that is. But when I saw this one by nikiquik (found here, and here), I knew it had to spread around. This one … Continue reading

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At the moment, feeling like this…

A quick post from a different coffee shop, but felt that the energies called for it. The wake up this morning was accompanied by a surprise bed visit from this one. His name is Koa, which in Hawaiian means “warrior”. … Continue reading

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Julian Assange Makes UN Appearance, 9-26-12…Video

Thanks to 2012 Scenario for posting this video, originally from Russia Today. Even more interesting (to me at least) was the article posted earlier at 2012 about the entire Assange situation, and the role of Ecuador in all of this. … Continue reading

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