Daily Archives: September 19, 2012

Pyramid Cloud Craft Seen over Kauai during the 9-9-12 Trip…

In this previous post, I displayed this photo of a cloud ship I saw on 9-18-12. I mentioned it looked like one I’d seen at Waimea Canyon Overlook on the evening of 9-8-12. So I went back and found a … Continue reading

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A Montague Keen Note from Veronica, 9-16-12…

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 16th September 2012 I am unable to write with Monty today. I am away from home, completing the project that Monty and I have been working on for some time. He says the timing is right. … Continue reading

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Sheldan Nidle Update 9-18-12…”The divine time has come to move this surface world through its transitional phase toward a realm of peace, Love, and prosperity”

“The programs to push in the new financial system are progressing globally. Our associates are ready to expand the way in which the elements of this new system are openly introduced to you. These programs involve instituting a system of … Continue reading

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