Daily Archives: September 17, 2012

Tolec – Andromeda Council Update 9-17-12… “EARTH CHANGES – An Overall Perspective, & the “Cosmic event” in greater context”

Tolec emailed me about this update, which may be read on the Andromeda Council FAQs page. When I saw the 9-17 through 9-22 period, it resonated with a series of dates I’d just seen at Gaiaportal. I feel an agreement … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal Update 9-17-12…”Release Points are at Hand”

I am posting this GaiaPortal update for one reason: it aligns with the next post. The dates mentioned here, in particular. There is something significant moving during this period. So read on, then feel free to read the next post. … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 9-18-12…”Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal”

That’s not Ben’s original title, but I felt it captured the essence of his latest report. He discusses a lot here, and it certainly appears that “the cabal” are flailing out as much as they can to create havoc where … Continue reading

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