Daily Archives: September 16, 2012

There Comes a Point…

There comes a point when, in order to move to the “next level” (whatever that means), we (meaning, “I”) must release the past. “The past” can be what was experienced 20 years ago, 1 year ago, 1 week ago, 1 … Continue reading

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Well, Surprise, Surprise, here is… SaLuSa 9-17-12…”You will very easily take to becoming a Galactic Being”

Thanks to Nimueh who emailed this message to me! Lo and behold, as they say, Mike’s computer must be alive and working well enough to get out a new SaLuSa. I do not have a link for this, as apparently … Continue reading

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SaLuSa’s Next Message Delayed… Possibly to Next Friday…

Just received this today from Luisa. Dear Readers, Due to computer technical troubles, Mike Quinsey cannot send out today’s SaLuSa message. He hopes he can do it next Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. In Love and Light. luisa

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Keshe Foundation…”Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists”, October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone

This has been going around several sites. I could not find this announcement on the Keshe Foundation website, but LadyDragon emailed me about it and has this article on her website. I later found it at Jean Haines blog. This … Continue reading

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Poofness 9-16-12…”Revals in Offing and Other Stuff…”

This Poof message just came through. Here are my Highlights. Highlights The messengers on the internet have been banging away, shouting the blues of a changing world, where no one can figure out who the good guys and bad guys … Continue reading

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