Daily Archives: September 14, 2012

Video from InLight Radio… “I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure)”

This will likely be very helpful for introducing this to many people who may be “doubters”. I was moved by all of the international contributors to this. It demonstrates the true global awareness of “who” is “out there”. And “with … Continue reading

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A Few Notes from Ben Fulford about Recent Happenings… [Please, Hold in the Light]

I post these bits in the order Ben has listed dates and times on his Typepad blog. For some reason I felt it helpful to put these here with the add-on that all who care to, join in and hold … Continue reading

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Kauai 9-9 Mission… 3 [make that 4] More Videos Uploaded (with Playlist)

Just uploaded three four more videos from the Kauai mission. First is a Kalalau panorama at sunset. Second shows something about what it was like to travel and make and eat breakfast at Koke’e Pavilion. Third one is from 9-11, … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 9-11-12…(finally)… “Japanese finance minister murdered, new Chinese leader missing, Climax Approaching”

After returning from Kauai, I had little desire to post this, although I read it on the day it came out. There’s always a few murder mysteries going around with Ben’s reports. But I feel we can all bring a … Continue reading

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