Off Internet Grid for a Bit…

I’ll be up country Kauai for awhile. Maybe up to 18-24 hours. A bit more to be done.

Also forgot To mention that yesterday several GMO/GE fields and companies had Bombs of Light dropped on them. No one was harmed but watch and see what Illumination comes out about many of them.

I am not reading emails in detail right now, but I see many of you have had some significant experiences with the 9-9 event. I intend to collect and share these with all after returning and resting.

We’re still in the 9-6 to 9-12 window, so stuff is still opening up. I felt three portals were opened and/or expanded here on Kauai. One of those at Hanalei Bay, where I was swimming. (I get a “vacation” with these missions sometimes).

More later. Aloha… KP

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