Daily Archives: September 7, 2012

A Quickie… Some Links of Interest…

I’m just going to put a few links I found today that feel significant… to me, at least. So here we go……… http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/the-greatest-disclosure-event-ever-to-be-released-to-the-world-today-in-belgium-by-the-keshe-foundation/ http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/us-presidential-decree-and-keshe-foundation-response-this-is-not-news-but-i-never-found-the-time-to-read-this-and-today-seems-the-day-for-everyone-to-do-so-j/ http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/president-obamas-re-election-part-of-the-golden-age-master-plan/ http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/groundbreaking-911-truth-events-in-new-york-california-and-maryland-september-8-12/ (ties closely to the 9-9 mission) http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/57-news-releases-by-others/660-new-911-truth-documentary-among-most-watched-on-pbs-this-week.html (ties closely to the 9-9 mission) New … Continue reading

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Cosmic Vision News (CVN) with Geoffrey West 9-7-12

Here is this week’s Cosmic Vision News show. More detailed information about the show’s topics may be viewed at Greenprintforlife.org. Donations to support the work of Cosmic Vision News is graciously and lovingly [accepted and] appreciated! Donations can be made … Continue reading

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Ben Fulford 9-6-12.. A Note About Neil Keenan…”I am fine Benjamin”

This was reported somewhere, and I checked Ben’s TypePad blog and found this article. Title is in Japanese (FW: 本日のアドレス), which translates to, “FW: Today’s address”. This appears to be a chat exchange between Ben and Neil. If this is … Continue reading

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Ben Fulford 9-7-12 Video Update from 108morris108…

Found this short 8 minute update at jhaines6.wordpress.com, and felt some would be interested. This was from 108morris108. Benjamin gives a few headlines which will likely be in his weekly newsletter. . [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfPdvFZVYbo&w=500]

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