Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets for the 9-9 Mission

I am putting these in a separate post, just to be sure you all see them.

Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets

The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.

At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).

Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.

Thank you all for your help with this.

Instructions for those who did NOT receive a Hawaii Packet

Several of you sent an email or comment saying you would like to be of assistance to this operation. Because of your desire to assist, you have already become a part of this. As with everyone else, please feel free to follow your Higher Guidance and go where you feel moved to go, and participate in whatever way you feel is best… for you.

As I mentioned above, the connection, in some way, with water, seems to be important for this mission.

And thank you for your service to Gaia, and to this Universe.

[note: after the mission is over, I intend to open up comments (on another post) for those who wish to share their experiences]

Aloha, Kp

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