Daily Archives: September 4, 2012

Sheldan Nidle 9-4-12…”The time is near for all of us to come together and freely celebrate the advent of your new, free, sovereign reality!”

This week’s Sheldan Nidle report is, as is usually the case, interesting reading. My own personal Higher Discernment tells me that what is written here is quite correct, but much occurs behind scenes, and away from the “Standard Public Viewing … Continue reading

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Extraordinary Year Radio Show 9-4-12… “2012 Journalist Panel”…MP3s

The show is now over, and you may listen by going to the Extraordinary Year page, or via the MP3s below. You may read more about the show there, or go to this earlier post which has details about the … Continue reading

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Extraordinary Year Radio Show 9-4-12… “2012 Journalist Panel”… Today at 5PM HST, 8PM PDT, 11PM EDT, 1PM (9-5) Sydney Time

I am putting this up here partly because I liked “The Panel” panel Tim put up on the show site. You may read more about the show there, or go to this earlier post which has details about the show.

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Multi-Dimensional Operations… Say What??

Honestly, I have no idea what this post will be about exactly, only that something said to start moving my fingers and hitting the keys here, and the message would come out. So here we are… I can only say … Continue reading

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