Daily Archives: September 3, 2012

Best Of UFO Sightings Of August 2012

Found this at 2012 Scenario. This TheAFOFiles video is a collection of some spectacular UFO sightings during the month of August. What most caught my own particular eyes were the ones filmed in the Martian skies by the Mars rover. … Continue reading

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Highlights from Benjamin Fulford’s 9-3-12 Message…

I’ve just finished creating a list of highlights from Ben’s weekly message, which helped me to see the extent of potential impact of what he wrote about. The 3-11-11 earthquake-tsunami bomb evidence is now leaking out into the “public” domain. … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 9-3-12… “Financial war is down to a few small factions and key individuals; lots of high profile deaths seen”

I’m posting this Ben without many highlights here as my body is still needing rest in bed here. I will add highlights later, and may just repost this as a new one. However I will say it appears the machinations … Continue reading

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