This Has Nothing to Do with Ascension… (or does it?)

I am posting this simply for the joy of posting it. And to give all this “cabal/mass arrests” stuff a rest.
This is a baby (almost newborn, I think) mongoose. This little one was carried in to my apartment on 6-23-12 by one of our smaller cats. He had a puncture in his skin, and was bleeding a bit. He hardly moved at all. After a day and a half, the bleeding had stopped. Today, 6-25-12, he has been climbing all over the place, like here on my finger. So far, I’m feeding him milk and water. I have not yet found any store here that sells “Mongoose Milk”.
I hold him in my hand to keep him warm. He lives in a facecloth lined ko choo jang container.
I just decided, on 6-23, that if he did pass away, he was NOT going pass away alone, or in the cold, without his mother, or anyone else by his side.
Now look at him! And I guess for now, I’m his mother.
(Of course, “he” might be a “she”.)
[UPDATE: Okay, that description above was the “YouTubey” version. What really happened, was that kitty brought him in and placed him on the floor in front of me. He looked like a mouse to me. I took him outside and put him on a leafy area under our avocado tree. When I did that, he “chirped” at me. I went back to my apartment. Then just after, I looked out and saw another of our little kitties getting ready to “play” with him. He chirped again. And then I knew he was chirping at me. That’s when my heart just knew that I could not let him die alone. This was calling something out very deep within me.
So that is the complete story.]

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