The 5-20-12 "P3"… "Powerful Participation Portal"

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So tomorrow we have the solar eclipse, along with the simultaneous “Reboot the Grid” event. I’ve seen several links about this, but I am currently pointing towards this one,
All of the times and nice photos are there, but I’ll include a couple of my own here as well. So a very key part of this is the alignment of Earth/Sun/Moon/Pleiades, along with the Galactic plane. This is an amazing event. I have no words to describe it. There is also something significant about the fact that it starts in southern China, goes over the Pacific, and ends in the middle of Texas. That connection… something special.

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And I’m not sure exactly what I personally will be “doing” or where I might be “BEing” for this. But we’ll each know where to GO, what to DO, and how to BE.
So much is opening up during this window. Be not surprised if many fine surprises come our way after this event.

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