A Few Notes about this Blog…

First of all, on this blog, everything occurs here based on the Guidance I get. Sometimes it’s to post this, post that, sometimes it’s to post something from someone I’ve never posted before. Sometimes it’s to post 2102 Scenario articles, sometimes it’s to post Bozo articles. Sometimes it’s to post 10 articles a day. Sometimes it’s to post none.
Second of all, this site will always be free. That is my Guidance, and that’s what it has been since I started this. No matter what my own personal income situation, this site will always be offered for no “charge” (that is, $, Euros, gold, silver, papayas, bananas, coffee, tea, or whatever). I will always present everything I “get” and everything that is written by others, and not keep part of it hidden for only “those that pay” to get it (except for a site, like Ben Fulford’s, that requests posting only the front page; that’s his thing, not mine, and I intend to always give the highlights on those, and, if Guidance says to, include the entire article (and excuse me if I do that, Ben)).
Third of all, I feel that this is my mission to do this, at least for this present time. And it is my joy to do this. When that changes, I’ll deal with it. Then.
Finally (and some of you may have figured this out), this is kind of a response to someone’s new site, which I’ve read for a long time. I’m not a fan of charging for anything. Maybe my vision is quite different, or far ahead of some of the others, who feel charges are appropriate for a basically “spiritually oriented” blog, or “unrealistic”. But my view has nothing to do with anyone else.
The new paradigm, in my view, does not move around “money”, or anything like that. And whatever I am doing here is new paradigm-ey enough to know that the “money wheeling and dealing” is a “hook” that can not and will not be a part of this.
Thank you for listening.
Aloha, Kauilapele

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