3-25-12 Tolec Update on Reptilian Bases (Ohio Exopolitics Radio) MP3s

In this Ohio Exopolitics radio show, Tolec updates us on progress made with elimination of the reptilian bases on Earth. I have created smaller mp3s for download (after removing music), either complete or in 3 20-minute parts. Most of the update is in the first 20 minutes. The rest is questions and answers.
I found these very interesting, and you may, too.
Here is what Tolec wrote at AndromedaCouncil.com:

“IMPORTANT Please listen to the new, live archived Tolec interview with Mark Snider of – Ohio Exopolitics Radio – from Sunday evening March 25, 2012. It is a ‘watershed moment’, and a detailed update report regarding the clearing out of the final Reptilian undersea base…”

Complete show (59 min.; 10 MB): http://tinyurl.com/cctertf
Part 1: http://tinyurl.com/buptx38
Part 2: http://tinyurl.com/c3skquj
Part 3: http://tinyurl.com/cbqq4p2

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