July 15-17 – Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto) …

I found this article here, found it interesting, and felt it could be helpful to some.


Jul.15-17 – Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto)

Note from Phoenix [the author of this article]:

Please be advised….we are under a POWERFUL aspect with this “multi-millionaires” Full Moon coming off of the power of the triple eclipse and now with THIS “Thor’s Hammer” aspect we must guard our minds and thoughts for the power of intent and the resulting manifestation of same will be sudden and sure!

So be SURE to stay positive and stay the course!

Know what you want, know what you desire and think not on failure or any other goal other than total and complete success!

Expect sudden changes and the sudden physical manifestation of your desires at any time!

The energy, power and faith that we have placed into the projection of our desires to the universe over the past few weeks and months is about to be made manifest and we must be clear, exact and unwavering in our hearts and minds knowing that what we exactly want, desire and expect is SURE to be made manifest in our reality at anytime now!

Because of these powerful aspects presenting themselves at this time ABOVE….. there is much power in our intentions at this time in the BELOW and in fact this is a time that we NOW have the greatest open access to the true power of manifestation of our desires than we have ever seen in our lifetime!


For thoughts do indeed become things!

Recommended emotional stance: Gratitude and joy!



The following is from : Evolving Door Astrology.

Jul.15-17 – Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto)Mercury in Leo is currently at the apex of a challenging aspect figure with the Uranus-Pluto square. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate aspect (135° or one-and-a-half squares) to both of these planets creates a Thor’s Hammer configuration (sometimes also called a Quadriform).

This can make any decisions (Mercury) feel a bit overwhelming, since the implications are likely to look huge and even disproportionate to the immediate situation.

The truth is, the implications of your choices and decisions are far-reaching under this configuration.

Mercury must mediate between the mania for personal freedom at any cost on one side (Uranus in Aries) and a dysfunctional economic, political and environmental landscape on the other (Pluto in Capricorn).

Mercury in confident, dramatic Leo might enjoy the sense of showmanship of the situation, feeling like he’s holding the reins of a team of massive Clydesdales. On the other hand, Mercury might also feel like a wee kitten (in Leo, natch) trying to control that same team of horses!

Whatever decisions you’re making right now, whatever observations or learning you’re gathering, whatever information you’re trying to make sense of, and whatever forms of self-expression you’re labouring to give birth to—you’re dealing with energies that are larger than life.

You could benefit from a creative and imaginative approach, but be careful not to let the creativity become an end in itself if what you need in the end is something practical and workable. Of course, if you’re looking to produce something creative, then go for it!

The energy of this aspect figure is in orb from Jul.14-18 – not very long! However, since it is in effect at the time of the Full Moon, its implications are likely to stay with us longer.

When all is said and done, this aspect pattern gives you a chance to wield a lot of potential with relatively little exertion. Or, put another way, the exertion might feel heavy while you’re in it, but you are probably working with more leverage than you realize, so don’t underestimate the potential of your efforts. Think of it like turning the wheel of a large ship—the change in direction takes place gradually, even though the immediate action seems insignificant.

Mercury isn’t finished with Uranus and Pluto yet, either! Mercury goes retrograde in August, and when it comes back and stations direct on Aug.26, it is exactly conjunct its position at the Full Moon and forms the Quadriform pattern again. At that time, Mercury will behave like a fireworks rocket, burning a hole in collective Uranus-Pluto wall.

The implication here is that your conscious intent now will set your aim for that rocket to take in late August. You will be able to adjust that aim to some extent at that time, but now is when you can lay the groundwork for whatever will happen at that time.

Therefore, avoid the temptation to buckle under the stress or exertion that you may feel now.

And if you must cave in under the weight, do so in a way that doesn’t ruin the progress you’ve achieved so far under the Cardinal Cross energy.

The Sun and Venus will also pass through the Quadriform point in mid-August, bringing energy, resources and desire for satisfaction to your quest.

Evolving Door:

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4 Responses to July 15-17 – Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto) …

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