Steve Beckow…A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure

Alrighty, then, I am posting this from Steve’s blog as I feel this word needs to go out. This was a very helpful communication for myself, and helped congeal some ideas that had been floating around about Disclosure, First Contact, Decloaking,and the like. Also it is very significant that “hockey” is mentioned twice in this piece. I am an ardent fan of the “art” of hockey. I love to watch it (except the fighting), and I have played it often in this lifetime, with passion for the joy of playing. So leave it to someone from Canada (Steve) to bring hockey into this Archangelic communication! And I, for one, am grateful for it.

Although I could summarize, I will only say now that one of the key points that I got out of this were that star beings were emplaced in May as “calming influence” teams. “They’re a therapeutic team whose purpose is to keep people calm, encouraged, excited and open.” He also mentions “intervention teams”, of which many of us are a part, I am sure.


A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure

by Steve Beckow

Here is a transcript of part of my reading with Archangel Michael today (June 16, 2011), through Linda Dillon.

This is the portion that deals with the various considerations around Disclosure. AAM is very careful to distinguish Disclosure from decloaking and from First Contact. He gives the considerations that the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics have before them over issues relating to Disclosure.

It isn’t often that we have the opportunity to ask questions and get a matter thoroughly discussed. Usually we have to accept what is said and what is not said. So this opportunity to go over matters in detail is one I very much appreciated.

You’ll note that it wasn’t AAM that was reluctant to cite the date. I’m afraid it’s me. But it is coming very soon.


A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure

Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael.

Steve: Greetings, Lord. Thank you for coming.

AAM: It is my pleasure. It is my pleasure to be invited. And it is my pleasure, dear heart, to join with many [meaning my guides] this day and speak to your heart, to our mind, and to your very core and being.

Yes, it is a time of dissembling and there are those who are still choosing the chaos. [Probably referring to my conversation with Linda Dillon, prior to starting, about hockey fans rioting in Vancouver.] But there are many more, dear one, who are choosing the light, who are choosing the path of love and oneness and of opening.

Very often they do not know what this choice of opening entails. But they only know that they must do it,that they are tired of the old way of being, that they yearn for deeper love, and that they yearn for a deeper way of being in their lives than what they see on a day-to-day basis.

There are very few people within the collective and upon the planet who simply feel that they are here for no apparent reason, that they are here simply as an energetic accident.

Most of them yearn to know what that reason is and to be able to contribute in a way that is meaningful to them, to that collective energy, so that, at the end of their life, whether that is tomorrow or ten thousand years from now, that they can reflect and know that they made a difference

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