Daily Archives: March 21, 2011

Major “Stuff” Right Now…

Okay, all I can say is that. Immense something or others are here, and not passing through. It is here to stay. I have only spoken to a few today and yesterday, but they have felt the same I have … Continue reading

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Ben Fulford, March 21, 2011: “US troops and occupation forces flee Japan, their lackeys flee Tokyo”

Another report by Ben Fulford describes events occurring behind the scenes. Much of what he reports is insider information, and I do not vouch for nor try to vouch for all of it. In particular, knowing Mattew and SaLuSa’s assurances … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 21-March-2011…there is a revolution taking place in your world

This message from SaLuSa contains one point which I point to as “critical”, for this time. “There will be rumours of catastrophic events as the dark Ones play upon people’s fears, but assure them that they are intended to distract … Continue reading

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