Daily Archives: March 14, 2011

Time to Release Ourselves from the Fear-Peddlers…

I post this as there is a lot of incorrect information, a lot of disinformation, a lot of partially correct information, and basically a lot of half-baked “crap” floating around out there. This material is being put out there by … Continue reading

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Multiple Level Living (Operations/Missions/Daily Life)…

12:10 PM HST. This whole message was coming through that may or may not come at this moment. Let us see. It has to do with multiple levels of operating in the current structures we are in as a whole. … Continue reading

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DivineCosmos.com… Hacked again…

“We were hacked again last night. We are restoring our site from backups. Please come back later. Webmaster” —————————————————————————– Well, someone MUST be getting desperate…Don’t you think?? http://divinecosmos.com/

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