A Message…What’s Going On…

We are coming to you on this 7th day of the March month to explain that you are right on track. There are no significant delays in any of our plans to assist all on this planet to rise up from this dimension into the Higher. Each step placed before the next step has been occurring in their right and proper order.

Significant solar activity as predicted by some to occur on the 3-3-11 did indeed take place. This is observable in your SOHO…the satellite, not the neighborhood in NYC…Ha! Watch it [the movie] at about 0100 on the 3-4-11 UTC. A blast into the present. This blast of rocket energy into your planet and continuing for several days, will fade to a small degree after the 3-11-11 is complete, but then be ready… You will get more around the equinox (3-20-11, 2321 UTC). This one will combine solar, galactic, and the “Grand Central Pooh-bah of all Suns and Galaxies”. This one who is writing comprehends not the grandness of this event, yet he is conscious of the effects it will bring.

Happening Right Now!!

This “Grand Central Pooh-bah of all Suns and Galaxies” will express more and more in the upswing energetically to the 11-11-11. We shall not, and can not, give all “dates” of importance.

We can say that this time of cleansing includes some of you operating to assist large Hue-manic groups to clear their deepest emotional baggage. This writer has experienced a deep feeling of “poor-ness”, as if there were something missing, and all of the emotions of fear, grief, sadness, and anger manifested around this “poor-ness”. As in the last post, this one’s 5-year old injured crying child was active. But it was not for him, it was more for certain of the many groups of beings from other star systems, now present on this planet, who are currently undergoing the traumas of being in, waking up to, and clearing, the old poverty timelines from ages past.

Many are in this same boat. All we say to you is, embrace your boat, accept all that is yours, appreciate that you are NOT alone in this, and allow the broader current to take you beyond the temporary storm waves.

The Golden Sun awaits us all, and is here with us now, as the final steps are completed… quickly.

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