Daily Archives: March 7, 2011

A Message…What’s Going On…

We are coming to you on this 7th day of the March month to explain that you are right on track. There are no significant delays in any of our plans to assist all on this planet to rise up … Continue reading

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The Five Year Old is Waking Up…and He is Pi$$ed!!

Pardon my title. But that was how it felt most of the day, a few days ago. That was the “me” most of that day. I was driving behind slow drivers going into town, having to wait in long lines … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford, March 7, 2011…

As always with this and any other article I post here, please use your discretion as you read this. In fact, as there are several parts of this that I do not necessarily go along with (or do not understand … Continue reading

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