What do you do when you know what to do and you don’t want to do it…

The answer is, go and DO it.

I could stop there. But I won’t. And I’m using lots of line breaks to make this look longer than it really is.

There are those who are caretakers of this planet who have callings to point heal and point activate and or point adjust along parts of the grid system of the planet. And at times there are other missions that come up. But all are important and all are necessary.

Matches of individuals or groups with their mission points is conveyed through heart and mind, Higher Mind, connections. Oftentimes through the fog of ego or personality “disorder” or other blockage. That is the reason they may not “want” to do the mission. This small self has no power and knows it, but like the small baby that cries when moved from one place to another, is actually more at peace as it lies in the arms of it’s mother. In our case, our Earth Mother.


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  5. Sandyt says:

    Very informative and funny! For further reading, check out: DISCOVER HERE. What’s your take?

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