Addendum to SaLuSa 4-March-2011, by Steve…

This is Steve Beckow’s commentary on the last SaLuSa message. I felt it was worth reading for all, so I post it here. Here is the direct link to his post.


SaLuSa directly addresses events in Libya and tells us what is being done to aid the protesters. He tells us that the time has come for many countries to end their despotic regimes. Well, World Freedom Day is Sunday so, as Archangel Michael says, how about the day after tomorrow?’

He again hints at major changes coming within a matter of months and says disclosure is more or less just a formality given the appearances in our skies. He makes the remarkable statement that governments will not be able to block disclosure with the “national security” argument because peace will have been declared. Is he saying that world peace will precede disclosure. Well, hey, I’m up for that.

He tells us that Ascension is carefully planned so that we will not be overwhelmed all at once but rise gradually. That’s precisely what AA Michael told me on Feb. 18 and again on March 3. We are being given light and caused to ascend gradually. He informs us that, if we are feeling a gradual rise and increasing peace, that alone should tell us that we are on the path to ascension. Anyone feeling it? I am. In fact I am feeling a sense of gradual elevation occurring right now, as I’m writing this. Watch for it yourself too.

He says that the more we behave like ascended beings, the more we will prepare ourselves to live in higher consciousness. He tells us something that I consider remarkable, which answers a question I have long had. He tells us that our unfinished business will be gradually released provided we allow it to arise and don’t mess with it, but just allow it to blow off. Well, I had to work hard in enlightenment intensives to release some of mine. But the light energies will do it for us now naturally. Lucky guys!

He tells us again that wealth will be fairly distributed after NESARA so there’s the answer to people who were wondering about that question. No more poverty, he says. Our sources have encouraged us to share with others during this time of need:

“During the transitional period until all peoples of Earth are prospering, the spirit of sharing and taking charge of adverse circumstances with a positive outlook is growing exponentially as more and more people are acting upon their inspirations to form neighborhood and community assistance projects, cooperative farming, volunteer help, and exchange of goods and services. This spreading spirit comes from the soul, evidence that the light is magnifying not only negative characteristics and behavior, but equally magnifying individuals’ goodness, generosity, ingenuity, cooperative spirit and strong will to surmount temporary hardships.

“The ‘grassroots’ movement that is spreading will merge with new policies and programs devised at the top, unifying the objectives and goals of the populace and the leadership. (Matthew’s Message, March 10, 2009.)

“Remember that the universal law of attraction, ‘like attracts like,’ always is in effect—sharing what you have with those who have less will bring back to you what you need. The energy of giving from the heart not only adds to your light, thereby radiating out to all lives you touch, this starts a cycle of upliftment. Just as your heart feels lighter when you help others, they in turn feel grateful and hopeful, and the energy in gratitude and hope gives them more light to send out to all lives they touch, and so on and so on.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)

“Some of you have taken on karma that will necessitate that you experience need, and you carry this burden so that others can respond. There is so much need on Earth at this time, and you will not have to look far to give to others in service to them. Working together and giving of yourself has been sadly neglected, and need has been promoted by the dark who have set different classes apart. Material success has been hoisted upon you as your goal, and those who fall by the wayside ignored. The unfairness and injustices of society has created a wide gulf between people. That must now be addressed, and the Oneness of All recognized and accepted.” (Saint Germaine, Sept. 26, 2008, at

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