Message About the Mission…

Message About the Mission…

We come to you today to tell you about the aspects of your mission at this time in your Gaia timeline and place. This message is for all who come to read this.

As we approach dates in your time measuring system, the dates of 3-3-11 and 3-11-11, be aware of a fascinating congruence of Cosmic Energy influx with what you might call “old Earth timeline darker shadow appearances”. This holo-gram you have created together, this particular duality-centered holo-(kilo)gram (kilo, because it has been very heavy… Ha!!) is meeting up with its match. In the incoming Cosmic energies resides a particular set of key codes (a fancy word meaning that there are no words to describe it) which attunes to the current holo-(kilo)gram in which you have been immersed but now wants dissolution.

The key codes coming during this 9-day period will rapidly (we mean RAPIDLY) dissolve all of the former timeline construct of “male intellect dominance centered” baloney. After this period is finished all “white bread with no nutrition used to make baloney sandwiches to feed the masses” will be thrown out, and all of those still possessing either the baloney or the white bread will be assisted encouraged kicked in the rear end if necessary to release it. But this will be surprisingly (to most) easy to do.

Our primary instructions request to all of you…

Connect as closely as you can to the Energy of Gaia in particular in a 3D physical way. This assists the waves of Higher D holo-(kilo)gram dissolving vibrations to do their work of melting the dark witch baloney white bread holo-(kilo)gram into the nothingness that it is.

Those you know who are struggling with the new incoming energies or their own personal “issues” will find rapid resolution when all are out (or in) in natural Earth surroundings and rest in the Nature Loving Arms.

Please be in a patience state of mind. The process is out-working and in-working for all.

“Patience” = Be as a patient and allow the Higher Nurse Doctor Energies to heal you.

And at the same time, Heal the World.

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