Monthly Archives: February 2011

SaLuSa 2-February-2011… We will not wait much longer…

This very promising SaLuSa message aligns with many messages from other communications we are seeing at this time. This includes the last two posts on this blog. We are desiring, every one of us, to break free from the old, … Continue reading

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About the Last Post…We Are Front-Liners…A Vision…

Okay, this one is pretty much straight from the hip, as some say. So here goes. You know, what hit me from the last post, this one paragraph: “Once [the dark side’s] domain has been dismantled and you are free … Continue reading

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Alpha Spaceship! Allow me to tell you briefly something about what we know will take place…

This post from Alpha Spaceship English, by Kris Won, was “stolen” from Steve’s website. But I post it here because this part of it resonated with me, and with what is going on now, and where we are headed as … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford Message, February 1, 2011

This Ben message aligns with many other sources, including the “You Must Listen to this Call” call I posted early today, that the cabal is going out, rapidly. He states that “The “revolutions” that have started in the Middle East … Continue reading

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You Must Listen to this Call…

I do not say this lightly. This call presents a most clear description about what is happening worldwide right now, and some of the key parts of history that has led us to this point. I do not personally know … Continue reading

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