Monthly Archives: February 2011

A Final Note…

It seems there is something to communicate at this time (11:09 PM HST), so let’s see what it is. Message for Humanity… There has been a masterful production occurring behind you. Actually it is better stated, “In front of your … Continue reading

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The Changing Headers…No more Politics as Usual…

I am required to follow the changes in energies as they come in. And I am also required to report what I see. I am also required sometimes to watch the media on television, or read it in the newspapers. … Continue reading

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Saul (John Smallman) 2-09-11…Your chakra system is being enhanced…

This seemed to fit well with the many recent posts about new energies coming in, the 2-11 2-11, dark ones being removed, Egypt government overthrow, and so on. We cannot carry the old systems into the higher dimensions. Saul points … Continue reading

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This is why Obama is here…Planet Earth Transition…this is a World Address…

These videos are of President Obama’s speech today (2/11/11) about events in Egypt. The first video below I was alerted to as I am a subscriber to the “ufosindeutschland” YouTube page. I enjoyed this presentation of Mr. Obama’s speech about … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman…Mubarak steps down on 1 Imix

I post this email I received from Carl Johan Calleman about Mubarak’s step down in relation to the Mayan calendar. —————————- Dear Friends, As most of you have heard Hosni Mubarak has stepped down from power in Egypt on this … Continue reading

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Mubarak resigns as president of Egypt

This is a marvelous event, and a marvelous day (night, too, in Egypt). The Light Energy we have collectively brought into this planet has brought this to fruition. As the last post about the 2-11 2-11 (that’s today) stated, “This … Continue reading

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About this 2-11 Gate Today…

Today is the 2-11. And also it is a 2-11-2011; leave out the “0”, and it is 2-11-2-11. “So what”, you may say. Well, here is what is coming through my consciousness at this time. Here is what I “get” … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 11-February-2011…It is no longer possible for the Illuminati to pull the wool over your eyes…

The encouragement by SaLuSa in this message is to keep our hearts and minds attuned to what we want Ascension to be for us. We are very close to the complete removal of the dark ones and their mechanisms, as … Continue reading

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And NOW what?

[This was begun on 2-9-11] I am going to write this now as there really seems nothing more to say. Or read. Do you ever have that sense that you have “Read just about everything” and are about ready to … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 9-February-2011…There is activity all around the world…Obama is the man…the Galactic Federation is with you…

I could say much about this SaLuSa, and you may read on to see what he says. As far as highlights, I have only six: The energies for change are unstoppable and cannot be delayed very much longer. If you … Continue reading

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Kate Spreckley…Energy Report – February 2011…

I felt moved to post this report by Kate Spreckley, which includes several astrologically oriented pieces. She states, as have many others, including myself, that we all are being strongly requested to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer … Continue reading

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Karen Bishop Message for February 9, 2011…

Well, surprise, surprise… (to me, at least)!! I was unaware that Karen was still writing updates. Karen was the first person I read who explained in detail the Ascension Process, and what it entailed. Her information was SO valuable to … Continue reading

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Obama…Laying the “BRIC” of a New Foundation…

There were a few parts of President Obama’s January 25th State of the Union address that stood out for me. But one strongly resonated: “This March, I will travel to Brazil…” So what’s so special about that? In July, 2009, … Continue reading

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Wow…”All Ambassadors Called Back to Washington!”

This article caught my attention when it was emailed to me. There are many connections coming together at this point. I have been noticing that the entire world, some areas more than others, are in a process of what might … Continue reading

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Denise LeFay…2-11-11…

After having seen this first on The 2012 Scenario, I finally read this for the first time yesterday. I just received an email alerting me to some things that may be culminating in a major shift within the next week. … Continue reading

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Poofness Report 2-6-11…”Cry Freedom”…

Among other things, this report mentions that “the trustees have completed their work so we are at ignition point of flipping this world onto the new banking system.” There are other indications, from a few sources I am aware of, … Continue reading

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Clearance Event Happening Now…

Now I know why I took this photo of the “clear” ocean water (right outside of Java on the Rock). It’s a celebration of the clearance event going on right now… In You (and me)! We are clearing so very … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 7-February-2011…Your awakening continues to grow exponentially…

Highlights …events are leading to massive changes, that are necessary to bring you to the next stage of your evolution. The commencement of open activity that is identified as part of our plan will soon be apparent. We remind you … Continue reading

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A Message for the Step Children…

Please recall that these messages, although one might call them channelings, usually do not specify from whom or what they came. They just come. I simply ask that you use your Higher Sense of discretion as you read them (or … Continue reading

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To Post, or not to Post…Hmmm…

I am sitting here with the day one hour short of finishing. And the question has just come up whether I “should” write another post. So here I am, writing about that. “Should” is not the word that I go … Continue reading

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Celia Fenn: The New Earth Grids, the Middle East and the Tree of Life energies…

With all that is visibly occurring in Egypt, North Africa, and the Middle East, this New Moon period (which was 2/3/11, 0231 UTC) gives us a grand opportunity to help in aligning and establishing the 5D grids, as Celia explains. … Continue reading

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Imagine You Are Under One of These…

Here I am at 10:22 AM HST writing this short post. Sometimes I know why I am writing, sometimes I don’t. Today though I felt some of you might enjoy seeing what we see over here all the time. So … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 4-February-2011

SaLuSa 4-February-2011 Things are hotting up and there is a movement amongst people all across the world that is pushing them towards a new age. There are changes coming as a result and it is setting the scene for major … Continue reading

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You See It…Rise Above it…

I do not know exactly what is coming through me in this post. Nor do I know or plan what it will be about. I just got a title, and now my fingers are moving. I do not call this … Continue reading

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Another Great Video of “UFO at Dome of the Rock”

[youtube=] Another excellent video of the UFO Appearance at Dome of the Rock. You can really see the flash in this one. Sent by “mulkis”. Thank you, mulkis!!

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New Header…for Egypt…and All of Us…

At this time, I felt that it was time to honor the people, history, and Spirit of Egypt by putting up this new header. This was taken with my iPhone as we walked back from our journey by the pyramids. … Continue reading

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Thank You Everyone…1000 views today…

Okay, I am not about numbers. Numerology, yes… Numbers, no. I am doing this blog because that is what I am loving to do right now. And I am posting this just as it has reached 1000 views! It seems … Continue reading

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Message to President Obama (

For some reason, I felt strongly moved to write this message to President Obama tonight. For myself, it was a call to envision and state clearly (declare) what I want in this world, at this time. It was assembled using … Continue reading

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“What You See on this Blog” and “How to Do Things on this Blog”

I wanted to point out and explain a few things that you see here on this blog. Header (the picture at the top of every blog): This may change from time to time, depending on Guidance. Currently this is the … Continue reading

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The 2012 Scenario, for all of Us…”I Declare the People’s Global (R)evolution”

This post is from Steve’s blog, The 2012 Scenario. It was so eloquently written and Forceful (full of Higher Force), it spoke directly to my heart, and, it seemed, from my heart (at the bottom of this post, you may … Continue reading

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