Daily Archives: February 22, 2011

Ever felt like this…

That’s about how parts of me feel right now. Where am I pointed? What is happening with my body? How much more uncomfortable can it get? So if Cookie the cat can be this way, and still be at rest, … Continue reading

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SaLuSa 23-February-2011…”throughout this year the beginning of the end will be clear”

As I am going through a few things at the moment, I am not posting any highlights. But there are many. And my strongest impression from this SaLuSa is the promise of the future of this particular year, 2011. The … Continue reading

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DivineCosmos…”We Are OK”…Site Temporarily Down…

For those of you who are checking David Wilcock’s site, DivineCosmos.com, they have had the honor of being hacked. The temporary page says, “Our site was hacked a couple of days ago. “We are in the process of restoring our … Continue reading

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Ben Fulford…”Illuminati desperation grows as final takedown approaches”

Ben Fulford notes that the White Dragon Society continues working to dismantle criminal elements in the world, in particular the Federal Reserve, and the crime family that runs it. Many are coming out to reveal their thruths about the FRS … Continue reading

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