Message for All…Release the Fear…Keep the Light Near…

We can assure each one of you that there is truly nothing… and we mean nothing… for you to fear. Fear is a slow-you-down construct of those who came here with the intent to control each, and it is indeed an effective construct. Or at least is has been.

But we know you. We know that your desire for the Light, your desire to be in the Light, your desire to BE the Light, is stronger than any fear. We knew that you would indeed be lifted up, NOT by us, but rather your Higher Inner Self. You are coming home, and we welcome you with the grandest of parties… which never ends.

Be that as it may, we also wish to remind you of your sacred mission to join with all on this planet, yea, from many planets and galaxies across this Universe, so that all ascend as one… together, and for every one. This mission os not finished. In some sense it will never finish. But the next step, or shall we say, the next effort to complete this step, the one you are finishing now, will seem mighty to some, and of such great magnitude that they see no possible way they can make it, in such a short period of your “time”.

These are ones to whom you will be guided, and moved inwardly, to assist. There are many who fit this bill, yet now there are more than “many” enough to overcome this challenge of helping those who need it, want it, and call for it, to understand and fall into the Higher Line Dance of Ascension.

Yes, we like that title “the Higher Line Dance of Ascension”. Country music line dancers, unite!!

So this message is rather short for us. But we say, it is sweet and to the point.

“Release the Fear…Keep the Light Near…”

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