Daily Archives: February 14, 2011

Evening Message…Release Expectations…Prepare for Flight…

We sit at this place and the Light of Christ surrounds this table, this computer, this one who types. We can say that the word “precipice” is the only appropriate one here. We ask that the wings you have prepared … Continue reading

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Saul…Enormous changes are in the offing…

The “air of excited expectancy” Saul speaks of here seems very much in harmony with the last post (Poofness), as well as the last SaLuSa. Perhaps we are indeed at the brink of the major changes we have been anticipating … Continue reading

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Poofness 2/13 – The Problem with Changes is ….. Changes…

At first, I was going to pass on posting this, but I am doing this because Poof does speak about the new banking system being finished and prosperity programs perhaps ready to go (but with the admonition that the word … Continue reading

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Global Settlements, Galactics, The GET Team Calls, David Wilcock’s Calls MP3s, Right Here, all in one Place…

Another mention has been made to a GET Team call from January 31, 2011, with “Contact2”. It seems to be making its rounds all over this internet “tubes” world. The article is on Steve’s site, The 2012 Scenario, and includes … Continue reading

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