Saul (John Smallman) 2-09-11…Your chakra system is being enhanced…

This seemed to fit well with the many recent posts about new energies coming in, the 2-11 2-11, dark ones being removed, Egypt government overthrow, and so on. We cannot carry the old systems into the higher dimensions. Saul points out that our chakra systems are all being upgraded, and with it comes aches, pains, and so on. This is being carried out carefully, so we do not go into shock.

“As humanity awaits its wake-up call to enter into its fully-conscious state of being, much is going on that, in your unawakened state, you are unaware of. Your bodies are being prepared to enable them to operate smoothly and easily with the more powerful energies that your fully-conscious state requires, and that your bodies will provide. Your whole chakra system is being enhanced, which entails much, very complex renovation and modification. This has to be done with great care so that your bodies, which of course are also part of the illusion, do not go into shock.”

We recently had an earthquake in Chile. I point out here that the Earth system is also received what one might call “planetary chakra adjustments”, This has been occurring often over the past two years, and perhaps earlier than that. But these are manifesting in strong, but not devastatingly strong, so the planet remains intact, yet is also prepared for entry into the Higher Dimensions.

Perhaps it is like an electrical fence or grid. Connected together at certain points, with insulators and so on, if any of these grid points is faulty, or if the connectors are rusty or not up to speed, the fence/grid will not operate at full potential. So it is with our grid.


Your chakra system is being enhanced

02/09/2011 by John Smallman

As humanity awaits its wake-up call to enter into its fully-conscious state of being, much is going on that, in your unawakened state, you are unaware of. Your bodies are being prepared to enable them to operate smoothly and easily with the more powerful energies that your fully-conscious state requires, and that your bodies will provide. Your whole chakra system is being enhanced, which entails much, very complex renovation and modification. This has to be done with great care so that your bodies, which of course are also part of the illusion, do not go into shock.

A large number of courageous volunteers are already undergoing this essential realignment of their spiritual energy systems to enable any problems that could occur during this process to be isolated and resolved before it goes planet-wide. When it does so those of you who are more energy sensitive will probably experience some unaccustomed bodily tingling, and most of you will experience a variety of emotional mood swings as your bodies adjust to these new and powerful energies. Remember that you will be letting go of a large number of negative attitudes such as fear, judgment, blame, and self-righteousness which prevent you from recognizing the divine Light shining forth in one another. And doing this will have an amazing effect on you. You will find yourselves in a state of total acceptance of what is, which will most probably be a completely new and rather unsettling experience for you. However, you will quickly discover that it is an incredibly relaxing and de-stressing state, and you will realize that you are not alone in this, that you are not going insane, but that you are re-establishing your sanity.

God’s plan for humanity is truly awesome, as you are to discover. His Love surrounds you in every moment, and has done so without break or interruption since He created you, and you are once more going to experience the supreme bliss of that wondrous state – your natural state – permanently. As the illusion disintegrates around you the brilliance of Reality will embrace you in the ecstasy of its almighty and soothing energy field. It is infinitely beyond anything you could possibly conceive of, and yet when it does embrace you, you will immediately recognize it for what it is — your divine, eternal Home.

Creation is God’s gift to His children because He adores you all, and it provides in eternal abundance everything you could ever need or desire. You are perfect, divine beings created in power and glory to delight in your existence at one with your Father. You chose, in a brief moment of insanity, to build a very convincing illusory reality in which you could hide from Him. He knew that this would bring you misery, but He had given you free will and so He did not interfere. Instead He instantly provided the solution to that unhappy state: a brilliantly lighted path to guide you Home when you chose to leave the illusion and return to His divine Reality, as you most definitely would. The moment for the initiation of that return journey, which will take but an instant, is approaching rapidly. The preparations that will enable it to unfold are complete. When it arrives you will be ready to awaken from your nightmare into the wonder of experiencing God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.

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