Daily Archives: February 12, 2011

A Final Note…

It seems there is something to communicate at this time (11:09 PM HST), so let’s see what it is. Message for Humanity… There has been a masterful production occurring behind you. Actually it is better stated, “In front of your … Continue reading

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The Changing Headers…No more Politics as Usual…

I am required to follow the changes in energies as they come in. And I am also required to report what I see. I am also required sometimes to watch the media on television, or read it in the newspapers. … Continue reading

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Saul (John Smallman) 2-09-11…Your chakra system is being enhanced…

This seemed to fit well with the many recent posts about new energies coming in, the 2-11 2-11, dark ones being removed, Egypt government overthrow, and so on. We cannot carry the old systems into the higher dimensions. Saul points … Continue reading

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