Daily Archives: February 11, 2011

This is why Obama is here…Planet Earth Transition…this is a World Address…

These videos are of President Obama’s speech today (2/11/11) about events in Egypt. The first video below I was alerted to as I am a subscriber to the “ufosindeutschland” YouTube page. I enjoyed this presentation of Mr. Obama’s speech about … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman…Mubarak steps down on 1 Imix

I post this email I received from Carl Johan Calleman about Mubarak’s step down in relation to the Mayan calendar. —————————- Dear Friends, As most of you have heard Hosni Mubarak has stepped down from power in Egypt on this … Continue reading

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Mubarak resigns as president of Egypt

This is a marvelous event, and a marvelous day (night, too, in Egypt). The Light Energy we have collectively brought into this planet has brought this to fruition. As the last post about the 2-11 2-11 (that’s today) stated, “This … Continue reading

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About this 2-11 Gate Today…

Today is the 2-11. And also it is a 2-11-2011; leave out the “0”, and it is 2-11-2-11. “So what”, you may say. Well, here is what is coming through my consciousness at this time. Here is what I “get” … Continue reading

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