Denise LeFay…2-11-11…

After having seen this first on The 2012 Scenario, I finally read this for the first time yesterday. I just received an email alerting me to some things that may be culminating in a major shift within the next week. We shall see. In the meantime, I am presenting this as it is, with more posts to arrive later today.


1-11-11 —January 11, 2011— felt like a tsunami of positive higher energies suddenly flooded in everywhere, pushing and lifting everything to yet another higher vibrating level. As powerful and positive as the 1-11-11 energies felt on that day, I knew that the approaching energies of February 11, 2011—2-11-11 would bring in far greater and very NEW energies. (I’m deliberately writing the word NEW in caps to convey just how profoundly different and more potent these NEW galactic center, solar, and magnetic energies are from anything we’ve previously experienced via the Ascension Process.)

I’ve perceived different information about the approaching NEW energies emanating from the Galactic Center (GC) or Central Sun, specifically through the two recently discovered cosmic bubbles bulging out from it. [See story here: ]  I’ve perceived that the GC’s two new energy bubbles and the NEW energies they’re emanating are rare time-coded, ascension-related evolutionary energies to help push/drive/pressure/propel us through this final intense and most compressed completion phase. These NEW energies are like nothing we have ever experienced on Earth before in any timeline. Because we’ve done the past Ascension prep work, here they are now to help us reach and shoot well beyond the Mayan calendar’s Finish Line.


In the early morning hours of February 1, 2011— 2-1-11 — I received/perceived two Cosmic Email Letters while asleep and dreaming. It wasn’t a “dream” from my subconscious, it was higher information that’s available to any and all who can perceive that level and retain the information once awake and back in one’s physical body. Perceiving at these levels isn’t as hard as it may sound, but retaining all of it once back in your physical body and awake is another story! This is us becoming consciously aware of our being multidimensional beings.

In this dream I received/perceived two different Cosmic Email Letters. The first letter was a page and a half of written information and was much like reading a regular email from someone. This letter contained information about how the Dark Ones are in their final days, their “end times” now and are fighting and lashing out but with less and less strength and potency and at fewer and fewer Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers/Indigos. Their fuel and food source—us and “normal” humanity plus much of our multidimensional energies—are no longer available to them to steal and utilize for their own negative, interdimensional agenda’s. This is the best news I’ve heard in eons. 

The rest of this first Cosmic Email Letter was about how the Dark Ones are dealing with what’s happening to them now via our Ascension Process, plus the NEW GC energies being transmitted through the two NEW bubbles. Those higher/lower frequencies will not be able to co-exist,  so the Dark Ones are currently facing some major changes to their lifestyles, fuel supplies and food choices. It’s been a long time coming and I’m proud to be alive on Earth to participate in the planetary take-back. What’s happening now in Egypt is this same micro/macro interdimensional Process out of polarity and into unity.

The second Cosmic Email Letter was two full pages of information about how freaking wonderful everything is about to become because of the info in letter #1. (I’ve almost hated reading certain channelings and/or articles by certain people/Beings claiming this very thing. I did not want to hear about how fabulous everything was going to be while I was still in such severe Ascension-related pain and misery, plus dealing with frantic, going down for the last time attacks from the Dark Ones! We’ve all read these happy-crap promises for many years now, and in all honesty, I didn’t feel much energetic improvement until late 2008. But this has taken another giant leap forward since the flare-up of negative attacks by the Dark Ones in October and November 2010, and again in January 2011. Despite the attacks I and many of you reading this have experienced since last October, these Dark Ones are on their way out permanently because the energies have increased so dramatically just since 1-1-11.

So now I’m going to say the same thing many others have promised over the past few years. It’s true, but the big difference for me is that I know it’s true because I can clearly feel the massive energetic changes and improvements already. This second Cosmic Email Letter confirmed what I’ve felt myself energetically—albeit in between the latest frantic, angry and ugly etheric and physical attacks by the Dark Ones. (Besides being attacked and threatened in a lucid dream attack I had on Nov. 6, 2010 by some ancient, giant Dark Ones, they also angrily revealed plenty of information to me which confirmed that their time is indeed ending now.)

This second Cosmic Email Letter went on and on about nothing other than how we, humanity, Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, all the other galaxies, all the non-physical, multidimensional Beings/Lightbeings/Starbeings/Masters/Angelics and everyone and everything else throughout the UNIVERSE is about to Ascend to a NEW level and location blah, blah, blah. I jest…this information was monumentally wonderful and I know every word is truth and so close now we’re actually feeling and perceiving the outer edges of it today. He he he he he. Giggle, giggle, giggle. OMG, OMG, OMG. We did it kids, and here comes the all-encompassing, glorious, radiant Graduation Reality Upgrade because of it.

So yeah, the second letter rocked to be sure, and the best part is that we’ve already passed through the first (1-11-11) portal and the second portal (2-11-11) is going to activate entirely NEW energies…and some new symptoms too because of it. It’s okay, we’ll get through them and adapt because that’s what we do. (More about some of these NEW energy ascension symptoms coming soon in another post.)


The first moment I saw the original (not enhanced) image of the massive upper and lower energy bubbles protruding from the Galactic Center (GC) or Central Sun, I knew that when those cosmic energies disperse throughout the Milky Way galaxy and reach our local Sun and then us on Earth—life, consciousness, our bodies, reality and absolutely everything else is going to be affected and altered in ways they NEVER have before.

I believe these completely NEW energies emanating from the GC’s two bulging bubbles is what Tom Kenyon’s Hathors Jan. 2011 channeling, Partaking From the Solar Winds, is talking about and how to take advantage of them. All these articles by different people and myself are indicating the same things; more dramatic changes to us (Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers/Indigos), humanity in general, all of our levels of consciousness, DNA, our energy bodies, the planet, and reality in general. Be it through the potent astrological sign changes coming in February (North Node enters Sagittarius), March (Uranus enters Aries), and April (Neptune enters Pisces). Or be it through the repeating 11′s climbing the numerical frequency ladder throughout 2011 to the triple 11′s of 11-11-11 in November, they all are helping lift, shove, push, drive, propel, launch, evolve and ascend us permanently out of the old lower polarized and dark patriarchal world and consciousness. But wait there’s another NEW, never before experienced change about to begin on—you guessed it—2-11-11.


Because I’m not very left-brained knowledgeable about the Mayan calendar and its numerous cycles and sub-cycles, I’ve learned to connect the right-brained knowings, information, and visions I perceive along with what Carl Calleman says about the calendar. Since Nov. 2010 I’ve been sensing that 2-11-11 is incredibly important because these NEW GC bubble’s energies will fully activate in the physical Earth plane beginning that day.

A couple weeks ago I was sorting through an old stack of papers and discovered a copy of Carl Calleman’s September 6, 2009 article 9-9-9 and the Mayan Calendar”. I glanced through it quickly to decide if it was going into the trash with the many other papers I was tossing when I spotted an important paragraph that really got my attention. [See Carl Calleman’s website for the full article.]

“The first of these 260-day Sacred Calendar rounds, the one which actually begins on 9-9-9 and goes on until May 26, 2010, may be seen as a period of build-up to the Ninth level that is suitable for prayer, meditation and mental focusing. We encourage community building, networking and spiritual synchronization in this time period, also of a practical nature. The second 260 calendar round, starting May 27, 2010 will create a preliminary arrival of the Ninth level and the beginning of this will be marked by the Conscious Convergence July 17–18, 2010, a significant focus point for spiritual projects of a practical nature that will prepare for the birth of a new world. The third Sacred Calendar round of 260 days will begin February 11, 2011 and includes the actual activation of the Ninth level, the Universal Underworld on March 8, 2011. This may be the most dramatic of the three steps as it leads up to the establishment of the highest energy state of the universe on October 28, 2011.”

The third Sacred Calendar round of 260 days starts ON February 11, 2011— 2-11-11 —and is the actual activation of the Ninth Wave/Universal Underworld! I don’t think there’s any “may be” about it; I wholeheartedly sense this third final “Sacred Calendar round” beginning on 2-11-11 will indeed be the most intense and clearly felt activation point of them all so far.


  • We have the two NEW energy bubbles bulging out from above/below the Galactic Center Milky Way plane
  • We have the NEW repeating 11′s and portals to climb vibrationally each month throughout 2011
  • We have the NEW higher GC energies being transmitted to and through our Sun and then to us and Earth starting in a NEW way on 2-11-11
  • We have the NEW and final 20-fold frequency and time increase that the Ninth Wave will create
  • We have the never before experienced shift from the traditional tzolkin 20-day count, to a NEW compressed 9-day count
  • We have the NEW Ninth Wave that manifests a NEW 9-day count coupled with stair step numerical energies and 11 portals
  • We have the ending of the Dark Ones as rulers of Earth/humanity, and us remembering how to Consciously Co-Create the NEW through 5D Unity High Heart Consciousness
  • I need to get the car washed and go to the grocery store…oops, scratch that, just focus on the other items!   ;)

As you can see we’re currently at another transition point of entering a whole NEW set of Ascension-related energies, symptoms, solar activity, magnetic anomalies, world events, inner events, further consciousness changes, and increasing interdimensional anomalies both pleasant and wild and strange as well. Fear not as this is the changing of the guards that we’ve worked so long and so hard to finally achieve. I also sense that March, 3-11-11 will be an unusually strong and sudden global manifestation of increasing Unity Consciousness or High Heart Consciousness due to the 3 or triality energies—not to mention everything else that March 2011 will manifest—in us and more of the masses.


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