Daily Archives: February 8, 2011

Obama…Laying the “BRIC” of a New Foundation…

There were a few parts of President Obama’s January 25th State of the Union address that stood out for me. But one strongly resonated: “This March, I will travel to Brazil…” So what’s so special about that? In July, 2009, … Continue reading

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Wow…”All Ambassadors Called Back to Washington!”

This article caught my attention when it was emailed to me. There are many connections coming together at this point. I have been noticing that the entire world, some areas more than others, are in a process of what might … Continue reading

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Denise LeFay…2-11-11…

After having seen this first on The 2012 Scenario, I finally read this for the first time yesterday. I just received an email alerting me to some things that may be culminating in a major shift within the next week. … Continue reading

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