A Message for the Step Children…

Please recall that these messages, although one might call them channelings, usually do not specify from whom or what they came. They just come. I simply ask that you use your Higher Sense of discretion as you read them (or any channeling) and take them for what they are worth to you.

The Message

With the entreating [to ask earnestly for (something)] of a new paradigm, many of you are simply aware that you could leave at any time. Many of you came into this planetary realm [Earth] from other stars or galaxies and dimensions to complete tasks born in multiple lifetimes, and now they have been completed. That is, karmic and/or other spiritual responsibilities have been completed to the satisfaction of all concerned.

So why do you stay?

The choice is always yours. The choice is relevant now, because many of you are deciding to move to the next level, the next step, of your development… Free will choice to join hands with ALL on this planet to assist her through the twists and turns path of Planetary Ascension.

There is nothing that can stand in the way of your individualized personal spiritual ascension. Some, however, may be held at certain levels until the sufficient “quantity” (not the best word) of individuals have also reached that same stage. What we say here is that all are stepping upward which are required to continue the process. Now you see the grand numbers in various world parts that have seen light and have seen their Light within, that they may ASK [entreat] strongly and their strongly asked desires are now coming to pass in the outer part of this hologram.

All of our Children are requesting this step…the step into Light. Structures constructed over eons are falling and new grids constructed in these past decades as you call them are enabling these events of Light to occur. We thank all of you for BEing as the Light BEings you are. Now the others may ascend as well.

And is that not why you are here…now?

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