Daily Archives: February 3, 2011

You See It…Rise Above it…

I do not know exactly what is coming through me in this post. Nor do I know or plan what it will be about. I just got a title, and now my fingers are moving. I do not call this … Continue reading

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Another Great Video of “UFO at Dome of the Rock”

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jczjyV4v3i0&w=500] Another excellent video of the UFO Appearance at Dome of the Rock. You can really see the flash in this one. Sent by “mulkis”. Thank you, mulkis!!

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New Header…for Egypt…and All of Us…

At this time, I felt that it was time to honor the people, history, and Spirit of Egypt by putting up this new header. This was taken with my iPhone as we walked back from our journey by the pyramids. … Continue reading

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