About the Last Post…We Are Front-Liners…A Vision…

Okay, this one is pretty much straight from the hip, as some say. So here goes.

You know, what hit me from the last post, this one paragraph:

“Once [the dark side’s] domain has been dismantled and you are free again…free to know the truth about who you really are, free to be able to embrace your neighbours, families, friends and work colleagues without fearing having to look for a job, fearing the end of the month or that the bank would take away your house or car; once this moment arrives,
…then we will reveal ourselves openly to you…”

This is what I personally have been envisioning, and in many ways living, for some months now.

Why do people “work for a living”, or “go do their job”, or even “get an education” so they can “get a job”? Why?

Do you ever hear these things:

“Well, you have to get educated so you can get a good job with the workforce that goes and makes things for this country, so you can be a contributor to society and so you can have pride in what you do and be a great worker and…” Why?

Politicians say, “We must make more jobs for people, to get them involved.” “Jobs, jobs, jobs…we’ll create more jobs.” Why?

Or, “Well you have to get a job to put a roof over your head, so you can buy food, and stay alive, so you can survive in this world…” “SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD”? You’ve got to be kidding me. What kind of a world is this where we have to be concerned or think in any way about how to ” SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD”? Why?

I have one thing to say about that for myself.

Why am I writing this blog? And why do I sometimes play music? Why do I collect several kinds of coffee and try one from a different part of the world every day? Why do I “do” energy work? Why do I do healings? Why do I go to the ocean and jump off the rocks into the water? Why do I live in Hawaii?…….

Because I LOVE IT! My Spirit LEAPS INTO THE AIR when I do these things. The energy of ME resonates when I do these things. So does anybody have to pay me to do these things? No. No. No. No. No. No payment is required or desired.

Right now this is my vision:

No more “working for a living”. That concept is GONE. No more “competing for a job”. GONE. No more “searching for employment”. GONE. No more ________________ (fill in your own blank). GONE.

Each person on the face of this earth is supplied with every single thing that they need to “survive” on this planet. They are completely free to BE who they are, to do what they love, to love who they love, to go wherever they want to go on this Earth, and in the Universe. Each person is abundantly supplied in every single way that they need to BE on this planet. Period. No exceptions.

Of course, we all know that any of us may hold this vision and one step at a time, can achieve it.

But in my mind, it is time now for this entire planet to move into manifesting that vision. Each one of us. All of us. Together. In harmony. For everyone.

Some of us are “front liners”. We are on the front line, leading the way for others to see our example (only temporarily, as everyone is catching up now). More and more and more these days you see people leading lives where they are OUT of the so-called “main stream”. They are IN their “alive-ness”. They are IN their “BE-ing-ness”. Even if they are “working”, they are doing what they LOVE to do.

So just as the people of Egypt are clamoring for a new life, with better conditions of living for all, so are we all. We are all in this together. We are on the verge of a brand new much higher level, a much more loving level, of truly living and BE-ing who we are.

We are NOT human “doings. We are “Hue-Man-Woman-Rainbow BEings”.

Namaste and Aloha to that!!!

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