Daily Archives: January 23, 2011

Follow up to “From a Place of No Place”…

I posted this email, with permission, from Sally, as a comment to today’s blog, “From a Place of No Place“. I felt it may help some of you, as it did me, understand that many of us are going through … Continue reading

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Poofness Report…”I’m happy as a pig in mud”

Here is what the one call “Poofness” has to say this week. Notice he discusses the position and role of China in/from the past in US history. He mentions that a release of some kind was given for letters to … Continue reading

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From a Place of No Place…

Okay, I’m here at the Coffee Shack in Honaunau, Hawaii. After a day feeling like I’m not in any place at all. This island (the Big Island of Hawaii) has seemingly run its course for me. Ever had the sense … Continue reading

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