Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

We Rapidly Approach a New Horizon Event…

We Rapidly Approach a New Horizon Event… What’s that all about? Part of this is a sense of something big coming shortly. And as always with the time element, “shortly” is not being defined. A couple of other posts on … Continue reading

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The 2012 Scenario post…”There Will be No Catastrophe for the World – Part 1″

I am posting a link and a snippet from The 2012 Scenario, There Will be No Catastrophe for the World – Part 1. How timely is this. Steve’s library of galactic and other references to this are remarkable. Thank you, … Continue reading

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A Few New Things about this Blog…

I wanted to point out just a few new things about this blog site. One new “thing” is the small colored world map on the right. It shows red dots at various locations. These are the spots from where you … Continue reading

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